Can iguanas eat oranges? Ideal Iguana Diet

Can iguanas eat oranges? It’s a lot of fun to experiment with what we feed our pets, but we need to be sure everything we give them is safe. There are strict regulations about the interaction of oranges and iguanas, specifically that an iguana is not permitted to consume an orange. The question then becomes why iguanas can’t consume oranges and what they should eat instead. In this article, you will learn all about iguanas and their diet.

Why Can’t Iguanas Eat Oranges?

Some people often search for “Can iguanas eat oranges?” But the answer is a straight no! It’s simple to explain why an iguana can’t enjoy an orange: Due to their high acidity, iguanas have a hard time digesting oranges. In other words, the acid in an orange will burn your iguana all over if you feed it to it. Their esophagus, stomach, and the rest of their digestive system may all have issues after eating an orange. Never feed your iguana an orange if you care about its health and happiness.

Other Fruits to Avoid

Similarly, you shouldn’t feed your iguana a wide variety of fruits. Here’s a list of the top 5 fruits that should never be fed to your iguana.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges are citrus fruits, and asking the question “Can iguanas eat oranges?” directs the other person to the pros and cons of a citrus diet for iguanas. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, are toxic to iguanas. The same logic applies to citrus fruits; don’t feed them to your iguana. Citrus is not a good choice because they cannot digest the acid.


It is well known that avocados are harmful to many animals, including iguanas. In order to keep your iguana safe, you should never feed it avocados in any form.


Oxalates, which are present in high concentrations in kiwis, figs, and berries, can bind to other nutrients and make it difficult for your iguana to absorb them. Your iguana probably won’t die from eating a few of these fruits, but it may go hungry if you feed it a lot.
Even though these fruits are acceptable for occasional snacking, we recommend finding alternatives.

The Ideal Iguana Diet “Can iguanas eat oranges?”

Your iguana shouldn’t be given a wide variety of foods, but it does require regular nutrition. For that reason, we’ll quickly go through the ideal diet for an iguana.
Yes, iguanas eat oranges, but for the sake of their health, they shouldn’t be given oranges and other such diets. However, here are some of the ideal diets to consider for your iguanas:

The first thing you should know is that iguanas don’t eat meat. They have a diet rich in plant matter. Fruits and vegetables should make up about 80–90% of your iguana’s diet. You have the option of supplementing their diet with commercial food, although opinions are divided on whether or not you actually should.
Select vitamin-rich vegetables. Options include collard greens, bok, choy, kale, parsley, turnip greens, and mustard greens. These calcium-rich veggies should make up about 60–70% of your iguana’s diet.
The diet can be rounded out with cucumbers, okra, bell peppers, broccoli, peas, carrots, and maize. Iguanas don’t have teeth, so you’ll need to break up their meal into smaller pieces before feeding it to them. Adult iguanas only need to eat once a day; younger iguanas need to be fed twice a day.
As an additional consideration, these creatures can reach a length of 6 feet and a weight of 20 pounds, so providing a healthy diet for them would significantly increase your grocery bill.

The Optimal Iguana Diet
The ideal diet for iguanas

What Foods Are Toxic to Iguanas?

There are several items you should never give your iguana, even though you can feed it a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Here are four items that should never be fed to your iguana. Never, ever engage with them.

Iguanas Are Poisoned by Food
Iguanas are poisoned by certain foods


The iguana is no exception to the rule that chocolate is poisonous to pets. Sugar, caffeine, and theobromine are just a few of the many deadly ingredients found in chocolate. Do not come anywhere near it.


You may need a morning pick-me-up from caffeine, but your iguana doesn’t. Caffeine is toxic to iguanas; thus, even a trace amount could be fatal.


Unlike many other lizards, iguanas don’t eat meat. Don’t give your lizards meat or bugs if you don’t want sick reptiles. Your iguana will get sick from eating it because of the excessive amounts of protein and other potentially harmful substances it contains.


Unlike mammals, dairy lizards lack the enzymes necessary to digest lactose. Cheese on broccoli is delicious to you, but it will give your iguana a stomachache. Caution is advised when giving iguanas dairy products; they may become ill or even die if


You should never offer your pet iguana something that it can’t handle, no matter how much fun it is to watch it eat. Changing your iguana’s diet can help keep it healthy and happy, but before you do, it’s important to study up on the nutritional value of each item. A quick internet search could prevent an emergency trip to the vet and ensure the iguana’s continued good health.


Do iguanas eat citrus?

Iguanas do not eat citrus, but they like dooryard fruit such as berries, figs, mangoes, tomatoes, bananas, and lychees, Kern said.

How many times do iguanas eat a day?

Hatchlings and young iguanas should be fed at least two times a day. Feedings can be done once a day once the iguana is over 2 feet long. When the iguana has reached adulthood and its maximum length, you can reduce feedings to every other day. Every iguana is different and may require more or less food.

What can iguanas not eat?

Iguanas should not eat meat or bugs. You should stick with plants, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Other foods can be bad for iguanas if they’re fed too much of them. An example would be two popular greens found on the food list of most reptile keepers.

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